Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Technology or electronic devices?

The universities exist since long time ago in human existence. The first record is from 2257 before Christ, much time ago! Someone could think that universities where more related to modern times, but that though is far away from reality. Now, you could be wondering: why I am saying all this? And now I give to you the answer: Because the technology that you can use in your different subjects is related with the historical time, and the context of the same. So, in our days we usually call technology to all the devices related to electronic devices. That is something true, in our historical time, but has someone think that in other times, basic things like papers or pencils where considered like the most new technological things that a common student could had.

The point that I am trying to explain is that the study are related to the technological things since long time ago. It would be something not understood that someone could say that the technology exist just in our times. The technology exists in everywhere, in all our subjects. Now talking in the context of the electronic devices, it is a really good thin k to incorporate that tool to our career. Not just because it is useful to us as sociologist, it is something more useful because we have to know to use the different tools that we are going to use in our working life.

We use electronic devices like calculators and the computer (mostly). Our teacher demands us to bring our test and presentation in a computerized format. And not just that, most of our teacher demand us to send the works and test by e-mail. That is the clearest example of the actual situation.

In other way, we use computer software on statistic. They are very useful for our aims in this area. It gives us the faculty to make calculations much easier, and much faster. It gives us the opportunity to make our interpretations of that result much faster. This program is called SPSS, and it is very useful in quantitative investigations.

The technology not only makes easier our works and test. It is needed because the complete society it is innovating in technology, so if we pretend to make an interpretation of the society, we have to know how it is function, to consider all the possibilities to make the interpretation that correspond.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sabbatical year!

The life of common people is very predictable. The rhythm of this one does not allow much flexibility, the system that we are immersed demand high speed to everyone daily. That means that one could predict what a person will be in the future, not exactly but near from that. Much people feel this, and get depressed. So a good solution to resolve this situation is to get a complete free year, a sabbatical year.
In a sabbatical year one could do a lot of things, you could work, could travel, and could do nothing. The important is that if you are going to take a sabbatical year, it depends of what you are usually doing. In this way, one should say that is going to take a sabbatical year to study, people whit a higher rhythm of life may do that. To take a sabbatical year is no problem if you really need it or you can have it (pay it), I really do not feel with the authority to say if a sabbatical year is correct or no, but as I recently say, one could think in normal reasons to take one.
If you are going to take one, I think that you should travel. There are many places all around the world that one should know. Many cultures, ways of life, things that happen in other places. A sabbatical year should be time to think on life, in all aspects, like: What happen with the family, studies, friends, ways of life, and things to do in the rest of our life. At least, one should spend time on people that you consider important.  Many times one say that there’s no time to see friends, so that should be the time!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The best party ever!

If someone ask me which one is the best party ever, I will say that is the New Year party. Because some reason that day has become synonymous of wild and crazies parties. I will tend to say that the best parties happen in that day.

I have pass that day in many different ways, but the best place to be in that day, for parties and wireworks, are Valparaiso without a doubt. In Valparaiso the party is in everywhere! It is amazing, all the people is happy (maybe because they’re where drunk), nothing care, except, having a good time and dance all night long. I usually go the same day, and always with a lot of friends. So we take a bus early in the morning to arrive Valparaiso at lunch time, after that we start to get prepared for the night. We have to get early to the site where to see the fireworks, I usually get stand in the Yugoslavia street, near to Sotomayor square. After that, you just have to wait till the moment to celebrate!

It is, without a doubt a wild party, the party is everywhere! You just have to celebrate, talk whit anyone, dance whit anyone, all the people want to celebrate! Of course the party doesn’t stop till the other day. It is a long party, and especially for someone. More than one could not remember what exactly happen on that night, maybe one more than other, but anyway, it will be a incredible night, the diversion is for sure.  You cold met incredible people, and I have the theory that in that night, some people, because some strange reason, the people become weird, but not in the bad way, it could be a night full of surprises, you just have to go with the disposition to have a good time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One of my favorites music artist.

A couple of years before, a friend introduce to me the music of an artist called Jorge Drexler. I like it since the first time I hear his music and his songs, in his music I could felt a lot of emotions, about many things, about life, love, friendship, fun. It is true that maybe it could sound a little flighty, but his music still like to me, maybe it can be because the period, and the things that I was living in that moment.
Last Saturday was amazing, because I went to see Jorge Drexler in concert on “Teatro Caupolicán”. It was great! He played a lot of songs that I knew, and others new for me. Anyway it was perfect, include, in a moment, the people yell out for the mapuche cause.  He was in a tour to present his last record called “Amar la Trama”, but he has a lot of other records. He has a total of eleven records since 1992 with “La luz que sabe robar”. Jorge it is linked to the music since he had ten years, when he learnt to play the piano. After that, he always where linked to the music, but without leaving the things that he want to do, in fact, he take over his studies of medicine in the university. After his studies, he discovered that he want to do of the music, his life.
In some way, the music of Jorge had influence on some aspects of my life. One should have different s aspects  in our lives, so don’t leave them completely because you think that they are frivolous. Hear music it is always a good thing, it help to relax, to express oneself some feelings, and to think about others to. So do not leave the music!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To get relax

We have passed through the bicentenary holidays, days and days of celebration with a lot of food, drinks and dance all night long. After all this celebration it is probably that you could feel exhausted, and feeling that way you just want to do things that bring to you time to get relax. I know the perfect place for that, it is a park near to Vitacura municipality, it is call Bicentenary Park.

The parks are good place to get relax, a big place of grass with trees and flowers, a quiet place where you can do things like read a book, play with friends, walk the dog, or to take your girlfriend out. Maybe you could think that some of these things could bother you or someone else, but for the characteristic of the place, you can do all the things that I mention before. I have been there a lot of times, many of them with friends. The climate of these days it is perfect for a Sunday afternoon, you can be sure that you will not get a cold, so don’t worry too much for that. Who said that the only way to get fun is with parties, drinks and dance? We all need time to get relax, and you can enjoy it in the same way that you enjoy a party.

As a conclusion, it is important to remember that the excess are never good. If you have a lot of fun and good time, you should remember too that you have time to get relax. So in that way you could take up again all our responsibilities.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bicentenary holidays

The national holidays of this year are supposed to be particularly important, because of the commemoration of the two hundred years of Chile republican life. But I’m already thinking that the celebrations of this year wouldn’t be very different.
The most common place to go on these holidays is a “fonda”, but you could celebrate with friends in a house too. Actually, we could celebrate in anywhere, but you should have a barbecue, that’s the most important thing in these holidays.
I will be on holidays next week, so I have a lot of time to see to the most of my friends that I don’t see commonly. I think that I will be with my family almost one day, but the true is that I prefer to be with my friends.
I don’t think that you should spend much money on these holidays, because on these days all what you need are in anywhere, all the people want to celebrate. That doesn’t mean that you are not going to spend on nothing, that should depends of what you want to do. If you are thinking to go a “fonda” is probably that you would spend money, and maybe much money.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chile need real states universities!!!

I would love to talk about the future of the Chilean states universities, but I think that it could be a little weird. First of all, and here I pretend to clear up my previous comment, we should define what we understand for “Chilean states universities”. This topic is important, because it is following this way that we will be able to know what solutions will be possible, or what we think about the superior education.

In my opinion, saying that in Chile exist States universities, it is true just in one formal aspect, and maybe one of the most important, that it is the property of the university. Actually in Chile exist universities of the propertie of Chilean state. But in what a plan, or  a strategy  of public education respect, that doesn’t exist.
Doesn’t exist because the state it is not responsible with that education, or of those universities.  We cannot talk of “states universities” when we have funding for about a twelve percent of the total budget of our university.  This is important if we think that our university is the state one with wider enrollment. 

At the beginning of this government lot of us though that the actual privatization will increase much more. But the true it is that the actual government it is just keep going ahead with the previous situation.

I think that we should be able to think in a education system to the Chilean nation, system that currently doesn’t exist. A country that is thinking in the development, must think in the strategy to have professionals for Chilean need’s.  WE NEED PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR CHILEAN PEOPLE!